Earth Beings


The artwork depicts a stick couple, intricately crafted, facing each other in a dynamic pose. What sets this piece apart is the creative twist: the couple appears to be either springing up from the ground with roots trailing beneath them or gently putting roots down, symbolizing a connection to nature or a deepening bond between…


The artwork depicts a stick couple, intricately crafted, facing each other in a dynamic pose. What sets this piece apart is the creative twist: the couple appears to be either springing up from the ground with roots trailing beneath them or gently putting roots down, symbolizing a connection to nature or a deepening bond between them.


This tabletop sculpture serves as a captivating conversation piece, inviting viewers to ponder the complexities of relationships, growth, and the intertwining of human experiences with the natural world.

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Additional information

Weight 36 oz
Dimensions 36.83 × 27.94 × 15.24 cm


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